Today is a very sad day for us here at MYNTH. Klaus Schulze, the legendary composer and keyboardist, passed away on the 26th of April. He was 74. We wish to acknowledge his passing by posting one of my favorite performances.
Rudy Carrera
Chris Child & Micah Frank – Tape Pieces Vol. 3
Chris Child & Micah Frank are two incredible composers out of the New England area of the United States. From this particular release’s Bandcamp site: Tape Pieces Vol. 3 represents the final installment in the collaboration between composer/producer Chris Child (Kodomo) and sound artist Micah Frank. Volume 3 culminates in Continue Reading
John Patton – Soul Connection
Big John Patton was a legendary jazz keyboardist and master of the Hammond B-3 organ. This session, released by Nilva Records originally, was criminally hidden away, but thanks to Jazz Room Records, it’s getting not only a second life, but it’s led to a further appreciation of Patton’s abilities. A Continue Reading
Digre – The Way of a Pilgrim
Minimal synths, plinking and plonking keyboard, a gothic air, a mention of the Orthodox work The Way Of The Pilgrim, and dedicated to the memory of St. Olav the Holy Martyr-King – that was enough to perk my interest in the band Digre. The notes on their Bandcamp site makes Continue Reading
Children’s & Youth Choir “Sophia” – Christ Has Risen
No reviews today, as we celebrate the victory of Christ over death itself. May you, fellow Orthodox and those who celebrate on the Julian Calendar, enjoy Easter! Arabic: El Messieh kahm! Chinese: Helisituosi fuhuole! Czech: Vstal z mrtvých Kristus! Georgian: Kriste aghsdga! Greek: Christos anesti! Latin: Christus resurrexit! Romanian: Hristos Continue Reading
Various Artists – Weedian: Trip To Germany
Though I’m not much of a metal guy, I have grown fond of things like desert rock, stoner rock, drone metal and other variants. The online label Weedian has been releasing free (or pay-what-you-like) compilations of bands in local scenes, and this one covers Germany in 62 tracks. Most of Continue Reading
Frutería Toñi – Tengo Mis Días Buenos
Frutería Toñi seem to be the one band I’ve heard which balances the Rock-In-Opposition sound with symphonic rock. Quite an impressive feat.
Les Dynamites / Radio Trip – Pop Oud #2 / No Oud
This snazzy 7-inch features two Israeli bands, Les Dynamites and Radio Trip, who mix the best of hipster-inflected bellydance music, surf, funk and psych with Greek, North African, Yemenite and Mizrahi styles of music. Worth donning a fez and smoking a hookah pipe for.
Sak Sok Ensemble of Fershampenuaz Village – Nagaybak Songs From Chelyabinsk Region, Russia
A fascinating release from our friends at Antonovka Records. From their Bandcamp website: “Nagaybaks are an ethnic group that descends from the Christian Tatars and shares the same self-name with them — “Kreshenner”, which means “Baptized Ones”. There are about 10 thousand Nagaybaks in total, they live primarily in the Continue Reading
Sonologyst – Interdimensional
Our dear friend Raffaele Pezzella is not only a label empresario of note, whose works are featured here frequently due to the incredibly high quality – he is also an amazing composer. Interdimensional is bleak and heavy, with heavy drones throughout. If you like artists like Lustmord, this will appeal Continue Reading