Carme López – Quintela

One of my people has done us proud!  From Carme López’s Bandcamp site: “Quintela’, the debut album by Carme López, a performer, teacher and researcher of traditional oral music from Galicia, is a new experimental work for Galician bagpipe. Influenced by the approach of composers like Éliane Radigue or Pauline Continue Reading

Virus2020 – A Frog A Gun And A Sad Man

We have a new artist to introduce to you.  Virus2020 is a project out of Sousse, Tunisia, and you can read more about his work here, courtesy of his release’s Bandcamp page: “Virus2020 is the solo project of Rami Harrabi, a Tunisian artist born in 1989 in Sousse (TN), enthralled Continue Reading

Lea Bertucci – Hold Music

Rather beautiful for drone, this one.  Lea Bertucci is a composer based in New York and on this recording offered by Dinzu Artefacts (fellow Los Angelinos whom I hope are safe), she offers music that is meant to be infinite.  From the label’s Bandcamp site: “Hold Music is a pair Continue Reading

Abul Mogard & Rafael Anton Irisarri – Live at Le Guess Who?

Abul Mogard and Rafael Anton Irisarri, from Italy and Spain respectively, are two of the most outstanding ambient music composers going today.  They collaborate here on a live work that sounds so atmospheric as to be nearly holy, especially since it was performed at a church in Utrecht.