David Lynch was a very weird man, and I mean that in the best sense of the word. His directorial body of work will stand the test of time. He passed away recently, so the net label Red Tape has issued a compilation of noise music in his honor. I Continue Reading
Reverse Image – Éclipse Dissonante (FMOA Audio Postcard Series)
From our friend Reverse Image, who offers this 18-minute sound collage: “Reverse Image (Y’ng-Yin Siew) is a sound artist from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. She builds her works using a hybrid of analogue and digital tools, with which she explores the intersection between repetitive motifs and moments of discontinuity. Her debut Continue Reading
Deficit – Elämä Toisesta Paikkasta (With Marcelo Diaz / Mads Records)
Deficit is a project of Vyacheslav Ismagilov, an author of electronic experimental music from Tashkent, Uzbekistan, so says his Bandcamp site. The drones are rather gentle for noise music and made for a fascinating listening experience. This is one you want to use your headphones for. His collaborator, Marcelo Diaz, Continue Reading
AGDISTIZ – Audaus Minor
Our friends at Kalamine Records introduce us to AGDISTIZ, a band who, if my memory serves me right, is from Romania. The drones here are sumptuous, like listening to a warm, thick drone during days when the cold is becoming crisper. Really a pleasant release if you can handle a Continue Reading
马木尔 Mamer – 沙漠 Desert:为开盘带录音而演奏的电吉他曲 Guitar Solo For Reel-to-reel Tape Recording
The near-legendary Old Heaven Books presents another fabulously bizarre album (also available as a CD and reel-to-reel tape) of Chinese guitarist (of Kazakh extraction) Mamer. From the release’s Bandcamp site: “Mamer first became known as a dombra virtuoso and a modern master of Kazakh folk music. Over the years, he Continue Reading
Love 666 – Take a Chance on Death
A quick warning ahead of time – do NOT put this in your hi-fi stereo system. Love 666’s latest album is about as lo-fi as it gets, and considering the audience chatter, this has to be a live recording. The music is harsh, brutally in-your-face noise-rock that bands like Les Continue Reading
Gold – Premium
Gold has made an appearance on the blog before and left a great impression, reminding me that noise can still be a valuable genre. His latest release is more wall-of-feedback sound, but rather than something horrid and abrasive, this has a more natural feel to it, like an immense wave Continue Reading
The Tapes – A Touch of Despair
Though the ever-amazing Unexplained Sounds Group have an impeccable record when it comes to releases, this one has the feel of a diamond hidden in the mouth of a long-lost corpse. It’s a gem that should have seen the light of day ages ago, and USG have made things right Continue Reading
Various Artists – The Jewel Garden: Clarities
Absolute respect to the estimable Ernesto Diaz-Infante for telling me about this noble cause. Foxy Digitalis has a nearly 3o-year track record, first as a xeroxed zine, and the in its current digital incarnatiom, of reviewing what I would rate as the absolute best of non-mainstream music. This compilation, featuring Continue Reading
[Podcast] Jeff Gburek – Rifles & Garbage Podcast 4 Sumud
Something rather different from friend of the blog Jeff Gburek, whose work you know quite well if you have been following our page for a while. From the Soundcloud site: “The Rifles & Garbage Podcast is named thusly to create a strong an mental association between militarism, waste and pollution. Continue Reading