Vtoroy Etazh Porazhayet – Kraynosty

Vtoroy Etazh Porazhayet (2nd Floor is Striking) are a Moscow post-punk outfit, and it seems both Russia and Belarus are producing a lot of these days.  They are released by the French record label Belka Records.  Their sound will appeal strongly to those who are into the post-punk renaissance of Continue Reading

Luna Abu Nassar – I’ll Tell You [أحكيلِك] [ספר לך]

Israeli singer Luna Abu Nassar produces a darkly mellow sound, singing in both Hebrew and Arabic, and her lilting voice fits well with such heavy instrumentation.  The only problem with this gem is that I don’t understand either Hebrew or Arabic, and from what I understand, the lyrics are quite Continue Reading

Bandcamp Friday and Help For Ukraine

Politics is loathsome.  Human beings, however, can be beautiful.  All of them, not just your favorites. If you can help out those in need from all points in this disgusting war, I’m sure the labels, the artists, and most of all, the people who could use the funds to survive, Continue Reading

Various Artists – Z Tapes Summer 2021

Z Tapes is a small-but-mighty label out of Bratislava, Slovakia, who release everything from bedroom pop to properly polished indie music.  They have a massive roster of artists they work with, and also, bucking the current trend for vinyl, offer cassette releases.  There is a lot of appealing music on Continue Reading