Madhuwanti is a collection of guitar instrumentals played sublimely by Jeff Gburek. The title name itself comes from Hindustani music and can read about further here. The playing is as honey-like as the title implies. How, you ask? Let the good man explain further at his Bandcamp site: “Madhu means Continue Reading
KK NULL – Extropy
From the days when his old band Zeni Geva were the kings of noise rock, KK Null has consistently published loud, noisy, brutal albums that would put most metal bands to shame. This is a bit different in focus, however, as the Bandcamp notes explain below: “From the opening track, Continue Reading
Andy Summers & Robert Fripp – The Complete Recordings
No reviews today thanks to having to have a hospital visit, but I would like to announce one of my favorite guitar albums in its most complete glory. DGM Live Records offers the original albums remastered plus previously unreleased material. From the website: “‘The Complete Recordings 1981-1984’ by Andy Summers Continue Reading
George Christian – Lágrima-Pantera, A Míssil – Uma Música Visual por… (GCSA 62)
Our friend George Christian returns with two tracks of improvisation that, at least on first listen, sounds like it is flavored with the sounds of MBP (Música Popular Brasileira) and a couple of flashes of Hendrix. A pleasurable listen.
Ezra Sturm & Ernesto Diaz-Infante – Live at Day of Noise
This is the second time I get to present the father-son due of Ezra Sturm and the consistently wonderful Ernesto Diaz-Infante. In this live improvisation, I get to hear more of a space rock sound. There is a sci-fi element to the music, which makes the performance that much more Continue Reading
George Christian – Requiem para Minha Mãe Cigana, Margarida
Our old friend George Christian has released a two-track album for Post Orientalism Music out of Berlin, Germany. Though some will bill this as experimental, I hear more of a wild psych-influenced space rock mixed together guitar improvisations that works wonderfully well. It is best to let George tell the Continue Reading
Bryan Day+Ernesto Díaz-Infante – Untitled Currents
Ernesto Díaz-Infante is a favorite on this blog, so any release of his is welcome, but Bryan Day is a new name for me. He is an instrument maker and improvisational musician who also runs Public Eyesore Records. This collaboration is quite dark, bordering on a cacophonous take reminding me Continue Reading
马木尔 Mamer – 沙漠 Desert:为开盘带录音而演奏的电吉他曲 Guitar Solo For Reel-to-reel Tape Recording
The near-legendary Old Heaven Books presents another fabulously bizarre album (also available as a CD and reel-to-reel tape) of Chinese guitarist (of Kazakh extraction) Mamer. From the release’s Bandcamp site: “Mamer first became known as a dombra virtuoso and a modern master of Kazakh folk music. Over the years, he Continue Reading
We Came From The North – We Came From The North
We Came From The North are a post-rock band out of Scotland who actually blend metal and instrumental rock into something both listenable and intensive.
Bill Nelson – Signals From Realms Of Light
Legendary Be Bop Deluxe guitarist Bill Nelson is still producing music at an alarmingly wonderful rate. This disc is a reissue of an album that came out as a limited-edition release in 2011, and the sound is vintage Nelson.