From Mike Benoit’s Bandcamp site: Shane Beck & I are here once again here to bring you the next Forgotten Magus album. We both hope you enjoy this as much as we do, and thank you for listening…it means the world to us. Forgotten Magus is Mike Benoit & Shane Continue Reading
Corrado Maria De Santis – Over a Long Time
One of the great joys of my vocation is discovering musicians I would probably never otherwise encounter. Enter Corrado Maria de Santis, courtesy of our dear friends at Lost Tribe Sound: “Corrado Maria De Santis, an Italian guitarist, skillfully combines the raw spontaneity of improvised guitar with computer-generated sounds, crafting Continue Reading
Emma Caterinicchio & Pete Swinton – Celloscapes II
Cellist Emma Caterinicchio collaborates with Indonesia-based composer and sound designer Pete Swinton for a rather blissful and drone-laden album perfect for relaxing your mind for a spell.
Federico Mosconi – Nocturnal
Federico Mosconi has produced a perfectly melancholy album, one of those discs you will go to at 4 a.m. when the word feels like it will fall apart, yet magically sticks together through a combination of faith and music. From his label DRONARIVM’s Bandcamp site: “”Nocturnal” is a trip that Continue Reading
post doom romance – fragments
Post Doom Romance is a project between Mykel Boyd and Seah, and their collaboration produces a collection of sweeping drones dedicated to their supporters, immortalizing them on disc. A noble project, but more importantly, the sound is engaging and hooks the listener into a pleasant ambient lull.
Reverse Image – The Silence that does not Exist
Reverse Image are a project out of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, who produce absolutely stunning ritualistic experimental music. There’s a hint of early Nurse With Wound mixed in here as well. All respect is due to their label, Khatulistiwa 赤道, for alerting me to this gem.
Mykel Boyd – Fever Dreams
Somnimage impresario Mykel Boyd, a stunningly good composer in his own right, has released a 20-minute work of a grim, hazy, yet beautiful soundscape where you feel trapped in the bowels of the set of a sci-fi epic.
Drawing Virtual Gardens – 22:22
Our dear friends at Lost Tribe Sound have on offer an ambient album perfectly designed for headphone listening by a project new to me called Drawing Virtual Gardens, a Belgium-based artist called David Gutman. From the promo material, which does a wonderful service introducing David’s work: “At the core of Continue Reading
Robert Scott Thompson – Placid
Robert Scott Thompson, the ambient music alchemist, has released several new albums recently, but I wanted to start with Placid, a rather chilling work that references works by the maestros (Steve Roach, Robert Rich, Klaus Schulze), a touch of Warszawa-period Brian Eno/David Bowie, and his own more musical compositional bent.
øjeRum – Vågnende Jeg Ser De Døde
Danish composer øjeRum has recorded for and with some of the best ambient and electronic music labels active today, and this latest release is published by the estimable Room40 Records out of Australia. From the release Bandcamp site: “While recording, radio waves and static electricity interfered with the signal – Continue Reading