The magnificent Kalamine Records introduces us to yet another astounding ambient music composer, E-Clark Cornell. As his Bandcamp site says, this is music “…that celebrates the Intellectual, and intelligence in making Art.”
Bill Nelson – Signals From Realms Of Light
Legendary Be Bop Deluxe guitarist Bill Nelson is still producing music at an alarmingly wonderful rate. This disc is a reissue of an album that came out as a limited-edition release in 2011, and the sound is vintage Nelson.
George Mukabi – Furaha Wenye Gita
George Mukabi was a giant of a man who brought music styles from all over East Africa, specifically Malawi, into his oeuvre, making a sound that was unique among African guitarists. This is a digital reissue which first turned up on Mississippi Records some years back, and is currently being Continue Reading
Cocoon – You’ve Arrived
For those of you old enough to remember the seminal French cold-wave band Clair Obscur, this album relates. From Cocoon’s Bandcamp site: “Cocoon is Christophe Demarthe’s project. It continues Clair Obscur’s attempt to shift the frameworks of performance and reception, using the means of electronic music, video and performance.”
Passepartout Duo and Inoyama Land – Radio Yugawara
From the band’s Bandcamp site: “Passepartout Duo is formed of Nicoletta Favari (IT) and Christopher Salvito (IT/US), who since 2015 have been on a continuous journey travelling the world’s corners, engaged in a creative process they term “slow music”. Having been guests of many notable artist residencies and with live Continue Reading
Misty Shore Duo – Stillness and Waves
The Misty Shore Duo are Chen-Hui Jen & Jacob Sudol, with Jen performing on piano and Sudol performing with computer electronics. The duo perform the works of Morton Feldman, Alvin Lucier, Michael Pisaro and one of Sudol’s own compositions. For electroacoustic music, each track has an amazing warmth to it.
Brume – Reality Is Not Enough
I am proud to say I have been a fan of Brume, Christian Renou‘s nom-de-guerre, for well over 30 years now. He was one of the first experimental musicians who captured my ears, and through all the formats he ever published (including DAT, which I would love to see made Continue Reading
The Beaters – Harari (1975)
I will be preparing for travel and starting a new job in August, so no review today. I leave you with The Beaters, a rock band out of South Africa. From their YouTube page: “Step into the pulsating rhythms of South African Afro-rock with The Beaters and their iconic album Continue Reading
Liudmila Knyazeva (Людмила Князева) – Русская классическая хоровая музыка 19-20 в. (Russian Classical Choral Music of the 19th-20th Centuries)
My friend, the Russian composer Liudmila Knyazeva, has composed an album of Eastern Orthodox choral music. It’s a wonderful venture with the vaunted hymns the Church is known for. This is an especially nice thing to hear as we as Orthodox prepare for the Marian Fast, as well as for Continue Reading
Love 666 – Take a Chance on Death
A quick warning ahead of time – do NOT put this in your hi-fi stereo system. Love 666’s latest album is about as lo-fi as it gets, and considering the audience chatter, this has to be a live recording. The music is harsh, brutally in-your-face noise-rock that bands like Les Continue Reading