Ukrainian saxophonist Olexandr Shapoval performed a gem of a jazz concert that was lost for 45 years is now available to hear. From our friends at Soundohm’s website: “In winter 1976, a few years before Olexandr Shapoval headed up the well-known band Vodogray, a jazz band called Shapoval Sextet recorded three pieces “Kobzareva Duma” Continue Reading
Rudy Carrera
Ophtalmologist – Julius Vernus Explorator
It’s quite a rare thing for music titles, especially instrumental tracks, to actually match the music produced. A case in point was a four-album noise release whose name I happily forgot trying to reference a classic of literature. No need to embarrass the artist or the writer, but it seemed Continue Reading
Various Artists – REQUIEM: Klaus Schulze Tribute
This release, procured by Aural Films, is a tribute to Krautrock and Berlin-School legend Klaus Schulze, who passed away in April of 2022, and who would have been 75 years old today, far too young to have left us. From the compilation’s Bandcamp site: “Over a year ago, Jack Hertz Continue Reading
Happy 25th Birthday to Xango Music Distribution!
Today is a happy day for is at MYNTH! Our friend Arnulf den Boesterd, owner of The Netherlands’ most important world music distributor, Xango Music, celebrates 25 years in business. From the man himself: Xango Music is celebrating 25 years of distributing local music from all over the world, since Continue Reading
Paulo Flores – Semba Original
Delicious Tunes is one of Europe’s finest labels dedicated to the best of modern African music. This track is from legendary Angolan guitarist and singer Paulo Flores, and if you wish more of his music, visit the label’s website here or visit Paulo’s Spotify account.
Jeff Gburek – The Perfect Storm: Collected Acousmatic Works with Voice 2020-2022
Our friend Jeff Gburek continues to release astounding experimental music, with this release being a collection of scattered acousmatic works which flow together surprisingly well. If you can imagine John Cage’s Roaratorio, calm spoken word and field recordings which make you forget you’re in front of your stereo rather than Continue Reading
Igor Vasilev Novogradska – Bikini Moon (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
If Andrei Tarkovsky had Edward Artemiev as his soundtrack specialist and early Roman Polański had Krzysztof Komeda, then it stands to reason that Macedonian auteur Milcho Manchevski would have his in Igor Vasilev Novogradska. Parts of this new soundtrack are filled with dirge-like qualities befitting this movie, but what truly Continue Reading
Les Rencards – Les Rencards
Les Rencards are a band based out of France which produce a garage rock-meets-yé-yé sound, made up of a Frenchman, a Brazilian and two Catalans, released by the erstwhile Groovie Records out of Portugal. Their sound is raw and authentic.
The Traffic – Fire/Bangarang
The first thing that came into my mind hearing The Traffic was that they have mastered the psych-soul formula to a tee. The first track, Fire, is a Jimi Hendrix cover where the flute takes the place of Hendrix’s legendary guitar playing, and it sounds damn solid. The second track, Continue Reading
Shin Joong Hyun & Yup Juns – Shin Joong Hyun & Yup Juns
repsychled Records out of Peru are known for releasing scorching garage rock from their native country, but they have dipped their fingers until the shimmering pools of South Korean psychedelic music as well. Shin Joong Hyun is considered South Korea’s ‘godfather of rock’, and he has been comfortable working not Continue Reading