My Brother The Wind – Once There Was A Time When Time And Space Were One

This post is dedicated to my dear brother in music, Shane Beck, because he turned me on to this magnificent band.  My Brother The Wind is something of a supergroup comprising of Nicklas Barker of Anekdoten, Makajodama’s Mathias Danielsson, and Magnolia’s Ronny Eriksson & Tomas Eriksson.  The music is a Continue Reading

Svitlana Nianio – Transilvania Smile, 1994

Though the recording quality is not audiophile quality, this collection of theater music by Ukrainian singer and artist Svitlana Nianio documents the soundtrack to a theater project she was involved in at the time called Transilvania Smile.  From her label Muscut Records’ Bandcamp site: “Svitlana Okhrimenko (artist name: Svitlana Nianio) Continue Reading

Federico Mosconi – Nocturnal

Federico Mosconi has produced a perfectly melancholy album, one of those discs you will go to at 4 a.m. when the word feels like it will fall apart, yet magically sticks together through a combination of faith and music.  From his label DRONARIVM’s Bandcamp site: “”Nocturnal” is a trip that Continue Reading

Dimitar Dodovski – D​é​rive

Norman Records does a far more in-depth job introducing the world to the music of North Macedonian composer Dimitar Dodovski a wee bit better than I could.  From their promo sheet: “”Dimitar Dodovski approaches his craft of granular synthesis from a melodic perspective at most definitely the warmer end of Continue Reading

Zhaoze (沼澤) – No Answer Blowin’ in the Wind (没​有​答​案​风​中​飘)

If you can imagine 1969-era King Crimson played on Chinese traditional instruments and a more relaxed feel, you would have this new album by the Guangzho-based band Zhaoze.  The music is definitely progressive, touching upon art-rock, but so solidly based in traditional Chinese music that one can call this a Continue Reading