• Music - Youtube

    Tarah Who? – Manners

    Los Angeles produces scores of great rock bands, and has since before I was born.  Tara Who? continue the tradition of mixing elements of straight-ahead rock, punk, and the kind of metal that seems to only come from the area of the city near venues like The Roxy or bars…

  • Music

    Damir Imamović’s Sevdah Takht – Dvojka

    It is a shame to think that when the words Bosnia, Herzegovina or Sarajevo are mentioned, most think only of the ugly breakup of the former Yugoslavia.  It’s a crime, as the country, and especially her capital, have so much to offer.  The people, the food, the incredible culture, so…

  • Music

    Fradejas & Fradejas – Oum

    It’s always a pleasure when you get to announce the release of an album made by dear friends.  Amandine and Santiago Fradejas operate in two different genres of music – she, in a more ethereal and progressive rock sound​ and he in a more experimental and improvisational setting.  Both of…

  • Music

    Toni Dimitrov – Live at SlovoKult literARTour 2020

    Composer, radio presenter, label owner, philosopher and old friend Toni Dimitrov has released a new album on the ever-interesting Kalamine Records.  Here are some of the details regarding the release, courtesy of their Bandcamp page: Performance at SlovoKult literARTour 2020 in Gevgelija, as a part of Bosh Festival. SlovoKult literARTour…

  • Music

    Vàli – Forlatt

    Vàli are a neofolk band out of Norway whose music shows references to bands like Ulver and Empyrium.  It’s a rather gentle album with acoustic guitar and fiddle, reminding me of the American folk-rock band Changes and the Chinese neofolk band Raflum.  A mellow experience.

  • Music

    Reptilicus & The Hafler Trio – Designer Time

    Continuing on the Industrial (and post-Industrial) theme, this album was sent as a promo album to me while I was a buyer for Aron’s Records, the best record shop in Los Angeles before Amoeba steamrolled the competition (and are now, apparently, either no more or barely hanging on in L.A.).…