Our dear friend Hubert Heathertoes collaborates with longtime partner Zan Hoffman on a release which pairs oddly satisfying spoken word with music that could rightfully be described as Berlin-School electronics. My only complaint about the tracks is its brevity. One minute and thirty-six seconds was just barely enough to whet Continue Reading
New Zealand
Rudy Adrian – Reflections On A Moonlit Lake
Rudy Adrian has been at the forefront of New Age music since the early 2000s, and shamefully, I lost contact with his releases. It’s quite nice to catch up with him on his latest release, a collection of relaxing ambient music to soothe your mind a bit, but also to Continue Reading
Lumber – The Lotus Bros
Our dear friend Hubert Heathertoes collaborated with Roger Smith (he of some rather amazing experimental music projects like CHEFKIRK) as Lumber for a drony, well-sculpted collection of noise compositions. It’s such a pleasure to hear noise that is well-done, well-composed, rather than the boring vacuum-cleaner-like garbage that pollutes most of Continue Reading
The Chills – Scatterbrain / Scatterbrain-Storms: Outtakes
We have two releases today to share with you. Both come from New Zealand’s greatest indie rock band, The Chills, and at least to my ears, should be seen as one cohesive session. The first, Scatterbrain, came out in September of 2021 is a rather lush affair, quite different from Continue Reading
Gang Violins – Greater Forces
Hear me out on this one. Gang Violins, a duo out of New Zealand, released a single to their upcoming album Inner Realms, and it’s a well-crafted mix of cinematic ambient music and post-rock, but it triggered a memory of the subtle buildup to the song Where The Streets Have Continue Reading
Roy Montgomery – Roy Montgomery 40th Anniversary 2021 LP Series
I think it’s impossible to overestimate the important place Roy Montgomery has in the annals of New Zealand’s experimental rock scene. Thanks to his work on labels such as Kranky Records and Drunken Fish, he has quite a high international profile, and it helps that the music he’s produced for Continue Reading
learningtodive – Norwegian Pop
learningtodive · Norwegian Pop (Album) learningtodive hail from New Zealand and made a lot of waves with this, their debut EP. This is a nice blend of post-punk, post-rock and synth-based music. For those who prefer to stream this, I point you to their Spotify page. I’d much prefer to Continue Reading
Music You Need To Hear Podcast – 5 Treasures – January 11, 2021
We will be featuring 5 tracks of the day every week. Our first foray includes the following tracks: 1. Ibibio Sound System – Joy (Idaresit) 2. 6Blocc – This Sound Is For The Underground (Hoodz Remix) 3. Dadamah – Brian’s Children 4. Alessandra Celletti – Sayyid Dance (Dedicated To Mrs. Gurdjieff) Continue Reading