Primitive Air – Creation Hymn

The spirit of Krautrock has spread well beyond the German-speaking world, and has for some time now.  Primitive Air is an American collaboration between Drew Piraino, Jefre Cantu-Ledesma and Emil Amos reminds me of the more freaky (yet still gentle) parts of bands like Popol Vuh and modern bands like Continue Reading

Li Yilei – 之 (Of)

Li Yilei is a London-based sound artist based whose roots are Chinese.  Li’s latest album, Of (Chinese: 之) reminds me of some of the amazingly good Japanese new age ambient releases of the 1980s which seem to be gaining a lot of attention like Hiroshi Yoshimura and some of Haruomi Continue Reading

Jonny Martyr – Impossible Space

A pleasant surprise out of Edinburgh, Scotland.  Jonny Martyr is a pianist who manages to, “build a world of sound with contemporary classical, electronica, post-rock and serialist influences.”  There is truth in advertising in this release, as each track manages to balance these genres perfectly.  It looks like Martyr has a Continue Reading

KAUAN – Ice Fleet

KAUAN hail from Estonia and bring something extra to both progressive rock and post-rock.  Long, drone-laden, repetitive music that holds one’s interest throughout.  Perhaps the best way to describe this is like a very much slowed-down My Bloody Valentine with a symphonic progressive tinge to it.  Unique.  I quite like Continue Reading

Arthur Lyman – Island Vibes

The ever-brilliant Aloha Got Soul Records is about to release a lost masterpiece of exotica. Arthur Lyman played vibraphone and marimba, and with these tools, nature sounds and some fine musicians backing him up, he managed to conjure up images of life in the South Pacific and Hawaii, which had Continue Reading

TienYinMen – Between Clouds (雲峽)

TienYinMen are a collection of composers and musicians based in Hong Kong who release a lot of thematic soundtrack music played on traditional instruments and electronic instruments.  They have a healthy body of work to choose from, and I found this one to be the best out of a great Continue Reading

Jeff Gburek – Corduroy Cascade

Jeff Gburek · Corduroy Cascade Normally, I’m more than happy to present works from Jeff Gburek and those associated with his music because the quality is high as it comes to experimental or other such avant-garde music. This, however, is a departure from what I’m used to hearing from him, Continue Reading