Etron Fou Leloublan – Les Poumons Gonfl​é​s

Etron Fou Leloublan are (were?) an avant-guard rock band out of France whose main claim to fame was being one of the early bands who would end up forming the genre Rock In Opposition, a loosely-knit group of bands who opposed the business which refused to recognize their music, according Continue Reading

1414E08 vs The Last American Poet – Necronomicon

Harold Bertram, a sound designer out of Germany who works under the name 1414E08 collaborates with The Last American Poet, Shane Beck.  Shane’s calming voice and choice of subject matter, the infamous American horror-meister H. P. Lovecraft are expertly couched by Bertram’s horror-drone soundtrack.  Remarkable.

Bruce Licher – Tape Excavation (Special Expanded Edition)

Bruce Licher is an icon in the art-punk/post-punk/post-Industrial music scene.  He was a member if the seminal band Savage Republic, runs Independent Projects Records and Independent Projects Press for his graphic design work. Though we’re a bit early to the party, so to speak, Bruce will be reissuing an album Continue Reading

Arrowounds – The Rise and Fall of the Melting World (Extended / Alternate Master)

Lost Tribe Sound delivers the goods again.  This album comes to us from the band Arrowounds out of Athens, Ohio, and it sounds like something emanating from the most brutal part of the Rust Belt.  It is fine listening for it, as the droning noise feels almost cinematic in scope.