George Mukabi – Furaha Wenye Gita

George Mukabi was a giant of a man who brought music styles from all over East Africa, specifically Malawi, into his oeuvre, making a sound that was unique among African guitarists.  This is a digital reissue which first turned up on Mississippi Records some years back, and is currently being Continue Reading

Cocoon – You’ve Arrived

For those of you old enough to remember the seminal French cold-wave band Clair Obscur, this album relates.  From Cocoon’s Bandcamp site: “Cocoon is Christophe Demarthe’s project. It continues Clair Obscur’s attempt to shift the frameworks of performance and reception, using the means of electronic music, video and performance.”

Passepartout Duo and Inoyama Land – Radio Yugawara

From the band’s Bandcamp site: “Passepartout Duo is formed of Nicoletta Favari (IT) and Christopher Salvito (IT/US), who since 2015 have been on a continuous journey travelling the world’s corners, engaged in a creative process they term “slow music”. Having been guests of many notable artist residencies and with live Continue Reading

Misty Shore Duo – Stillness and Waves

The Misty Shore Duo are Chen-Hui Jen & Jacob Sudol, with Jen performing on piano and Sudol performing with computer electronics.  The duo perform the works of Morton Feldman, Alvin Lucier, Michael Pisaro and one of Sudol’s own compositions.  For electroacoustic music, each track has an amazing warmth to it.