Doc Wör Mirran got its start as a multi-disciplinary project out of Nürnberg, Germany in around 1985, and for nearly 40 years, the band have continued to produce strange, intriguing avant-garde rock and experimental music. From their Bandcamp site: “Contrary to most compilations which compile the greatest hits of an Continue Reading
Uchylak – Astralia
Uchylak are a Polish group who have a rather retro sound, combining dark electro, techno, and even Electronic Body Music or hard beat into a very punchy, well-produced album.
I Have No Face – Feelings That Won’t Return
It pays to explore the myriad of free albums available on Bandcamp these days. Though there is a lot of garbage one has to sort through, you will always come up with a few gems during the day if you are persistent, and I Have No Face, a project out Continue Reading
Mikael Tariverdiev – Visions in Black & White
Mikael Tariverdiev was a Russian cinema and TV composer of Armenian extraction but raised Tbilisi, Georgia, a true man of the Soviet world. Though he was quoted as not particularly liking jazz, he was as good an improviser that Russia ever produced. From the release’s Bandcamp page: “Visions in Black Continue Reading
Wendy Carlos Demonstrates The Moog Modular Behind ‘Switched On Bach’
In this vintage BBC video, electronic music pioneer Wendy Carlos demonstrates the Moog modular synthesizer used in the creation of Switched On Bach.…… Wendy Carlos Demonstrates The Moog Modular Behind ‘Switched On Bach’
Ernesto Djédjé – Roi Du Ziglibithy (Limited Dance Edition Nr. 15)
Analog Africa released a disc of music from Ivory Coast legend Ernesto Djédjé recently, and it was rather eye-opening to see that even in a place as far away as Côte d’Ivoire, they had the same problems of so-called foreign influence getting in the way of local music, with Ernesto Continue Reading
Various Artists – Let’s Stamp: 1950s Folk Dance Recordings from Bulgarian and Yugoslavian 78rpm Discs
The ever-reliable Canary Records out of Baltimore, Maryland, have released a compilation of Balkan 78 rpm shellacs with a lot of the artists being unidentified, but whose music is most assuredly from my home away from home.
Lucho Bermudez y su Orquesta – The Coastal Invasion
The ever-stunning Radio Martiko out of Belgium release an amazing collection of cumbia from Colombia’s greatest export, Lucho Bermudez. From the label’s Bandcamp release site: Bermudez was a key figure who modernised the tropical music of Colombia’s Caribbean coast. At the beginning of the 20th century, this music was largely Continue Reading
Wickerbird – The Sea Weaver
Though our friends at Lost Tribe Sound have chosen to release this album on November 22, 7 weeks away from today’s date, I thought it wise to hip you, my friends and readers, on an album you’ll surely find to be a treasure. From the label’s press release: Lost Tribe Continue Reading
Various Artists – Dracula – Music Inspired By The Bram Stoker’s Novel
Our dear friends at Eighth Tower Records never cease to surprise us with their choices for topics. This compilation, featuring the legendary Rapoon along with a slew of new artists, is dedicated to the novel that launched the career of Bram Stoker and make vampires alluring among the public well Continue Reading