Welcome to Music You Need To Hear!

Your taste in music is your own. We’re merely here to supplement it.

Music You Need To Hear is the website of Rudy Carrera, a blogger, A&R manager, label owner and record store buyer based in Los Angeles, Brno and Beijing, who has spent the majority of his adult life promoting music of all kinds, from electronic music to progressive rock. He’s been listening to music since childhood, and as so many new and interesting gems are made available daily, he has no intention of stopping his listening habits until the Good Lord decides to call him home.

The goal of this site is to give you a daily recommendation of good listening. This is not so much a review site per sé, but a place where we can give you pointers on what we think is worthy listening to add to your collection.

If you wish to have your release featured here, please contact us first. We’re not going to cover certain genres of music (rap, country, most metal or pop), not because we hate these, but because others specialize in these better.

If your release is on Bandcamp or available digitally, a promo kit and download code would be appreciated, but not mandatory. If we like it, we’ll feature it.

We’ll also be posting videos from bands we like, and may consider doing a podcast consisting of 5 interesting tracks per day. We receive over 200 emails a day letting us know about new releases, so 5 is not as daunting as one might think.

Please feel free to make contact with us here, and enjoy the music.