It’s hard for me to make out the influences of this album, but I can say with certainty that listening to this rather weird album was a pleasure. From noemienours’ Bandcamp site: ““The Dry Path”, noemienours’ 5th LP, developed around a Gobi Bear narrative of barren edge conditions as an Continue Reading
Rudy Carrera
No review today because I’m out this evening, but I did want to let my friends know about a platform called I have collected thousands of FLAC and mp3 files over the years, but they serve no purpose sitting in a collection of disc drives. The site has been Continue Reading
Rodion G.A. – Misiunea Spatiala Delta (Delta Space Mission)
This gem is from one of Romania’s strangest composers. The music sounds made by Rodion Roșca range from a more industrial-era Cabaret Voltaire and Suicide to the wilder music of Giorgio Moroder. He passed away in March of 2021 at the age of 68, but he left a truly unique Continue Reading
Various Artists – The Dystopian World of J. G.Ballard
Our dear friend Raffaelle Pellezza has curated another masterful compilation of dark ambient music focused on the British writer J. G. Ballard. From the release’s Bandcamp site: “In April 2009, J. G. Ballard died at the age of 78. By the end of his life he was recognized as one Continue Reading
Hermeto Pascoal & Grupo – Só Não Toca Quem Não quer (1987) – Remastered
Brazil’s finest living export (to my ears, anyway) has been quite active over the past few years, but it’s nice to see some forgotten releases getting some exposure. The personnel on this album plays some wonderfully, uniquely Brazilian fusion. Hermeto Pascoal: Bandola, Piano, Teclados (Keyboard), Flugelhorn, Harmonium, Flauta Baixo (Bass Continue Reading
Kosta T – крип
Kosta Trokai is a Russian violinist whose work I’ve followed for several years now. He has a massive catalog behind him and it straddles comfortably between classical music and free improvisation.
Al-Qasar – Who Are We?
The bad news about the release of Al-Qasar’s new album is that there is currently only one track available to hear at the moment. The good news, however, is that it features Sonic Youth guitarist Lee Ranaldo as well as Dead Kennedys frontman Jello Biafra. From the band’s Bandcamp site: Continue Reading
L’Aventure des Plantes – L’Aventure des Plantes
I can’t say where L’Aventure des Plantes are for sure, but their record label, Kotorosl Records, is from Barcelona, Spain. The music is highly influenced by Berlin School electronics, experimental music and ambient music, and they do honor to the genres.
Savvas Metaxas – Music for Dance Performance
Greek experimental composer Savvas Metaxas has scored music for a choreography project that sounds more like a very relaxed version of electroacoustic music. It’s sumptuous headphone listening, I have to say. From his record label Noise Below’s Bandcamp site: “Savvas Metaxas’s music for the choreography/action ‘who knows where time goes Continue Reading
Naujawanan Baidar – Khedmat Be Khalq
N.R. Safi is the leader of the band psychedelic rock/drone band The Myrrors, yet this side project goes off on into a rather personal trajectory for him. This particular release combines the drone and rock he’s mastered, but it’s also layered with tapes from Afghanistan, where his roots are. Imagine Continue Reading