Choir Of Beirut – Al Yaoum Youladou Mina Al Batoul

In honor of celebrating Christmas according to the Julian Calendar, we will not be posting reviews today, so we wish to all of you, the faithful, and to our beloved friends, a wonderful Nativity season, a placid Eid and a Happy Hanukkah.  May we be rejuvenated in the new year.

Various Artists – Discember: Hear Xmas, See Xmas, Say Xmas

As we observe Christmas Eve and the Nativity today and tomorrow based on the Julian Calendar, we share an avant-garde take on “Christmas” music. The French experimental record label Camembert Électrique have released a 94-track comp of some rather interesting takes of some Yuletide classics, as well as a fair Continue Reading

Various Artists: Zanzibara: First Modern Taarab Vibes From Mombasa & Tanga, 1970​-​1990

It’s so good to see the inestimable Buda Musique take the modern route and make some of the treasures of their back catalog accessible, not only digitally, but on fine vinyl and CD editions. This compilation brings together a collection of artists from the towns of Mombasa and Tanga, in Continue Reading

The Bayan Mongol Variety Group – The Bayan Mongol Variety Group

From and Light In The Attic Records: The Bayan Mongol Variety Group existed from the early ’70s to the late ’80s. After the collapse of the USSR, the ensemble began to experience serious difficulties with funding and booking concerts, and finally disintegrated, after which the participants lost contact with each Continue Reading

Various Artists – Blackford Hill: Transmissions / Volume One

Welcome to the first proper release promotion of 2022, and it’s quite a lovely way to begin the year.  Blackford Hill is a record company out of Edinburgh, Scotland, and they offer up a compilation of ethereal independent music from bands like Ultramarine, Emily Scott, Kate Carr, Jake Tilson and Continue Reading

Tomáš Kočko Orchestr – Ona

The Tomáš Kočko Orchestr are one of the great musical treasures of my new home city of Brno.  They band mixes true Moravian folk music, including some melodies with pre-Christian roots (so, at least a millennium of music here), world music and even touches of metal to great effect. The Continue Reading

András Wahorn – The Wahorn Airport Live at the Contemporary Wahorn Club Vol. 1

wahorn · The Wahorn Airport live at the Contemporary Wahorn Club Vol. 1.   This is quite a peculiar album made by an old friend. András Wahorn had a storied history as the leader of one of Hungary’s most radical progressive rock bands, A.E. Bizottság, who released three albums of Continue Reading