KABRA are another discovery from the near-flawless Reverse Alignment Records out of Sweden associated with our friends at Unexplained Sounds Group, themselves possessing exquisite taste when it comes to dark ambient and drone music. We know nothing about them (him, her?) except for the music, but what music it is! Continue Reading
Various Artists – Passed Records: The Passed Year – 2023
Passed Records come from Uppsala, Sweden. This is a fine introduction to their label, which produces trip-hop, electronica, drone and post-punk. These guys are going to be fun to follow.
Lachen Jonsson – Music For The Dying Forest
Lars (Lachen, or Lach’n) Jonsson is something of a legend in Swedish progressive rock, especially in the genre of Rock-In-Opposition. This album is a reissue of his first disc, and it is as filled with weird, jagged piano-based avant-prog.
Linnea Hjertén – Nio Systrar
From Linnea Hjertén’s Bandcamp site: “Born from the synthesis of Swedish folk melodies and ritual ambient, Linnea Hjertén’s debut album “Nio systrar” (‘Nine sisters’) is a wordless invocation of primordial energy – a psychoacoustic gateway to altered states of consciousness. Each of the nine tracks brings us deeper into the Continue Reading
My Brother The Wind – Once There Was A Time When Time And Space Were One
This post is dedicated to my dear brother in music, Shane Beck, because he turned me on to this magnificent band. My Brother The Wind is something of a supergroup comprising of Nicklas Barker of Anekdoten, Makajodama’s Mathias Danielsson, and Magnolia’s Ronny Eriksson & Tomas Eriksson. The music is a Continue Reading
From the Mouth of the Sun – Valley of the Hummingbirds
Lost Tribe Sound has another release featured this week! This one pairs two leading composers, Dag Rosenqvist & Aaron Martin, working together creating a filmic masterpiece. The music is tense, influenced by everything from classical music to ethereal. From the press release: “American and Swedish composers Aaron Martin and Dag Continue Reading
Various Artists – GRAMMOFON-MISSIONEN – A Selection of Swedish Jesus Music 1967-1982
As a practicing Eastern Orthodox Christian, this Jesus music might be a subject I know a little something about, though my normal preference is more Byzantine, Arabic or Slavonic and dates back to at least the 5th Century rather than the 20th. Still, give mad respect to Subliminal Sounds for Continue Reading
Various Artists – Meticulous Midgets 2023
Our beloved friends at Russia’s finest indie music magazine, Meticulous Midgets, has released their annual compilation of weird experimental, lo-fi and avant-garde music. Featured artists include Russia’s own Assembly of Honey, the Italian ambient sound sculptor Marco Lucchi and Latvia’s Шумилов Бор (Shumilov Bor) among a host of talent worldwide.
noemienours – The Dry Path
It’s hard for me to make out the influences of this album, but I can say with certainty that listening to this rather weird album was a pleasure. From noemienours’ Bandcamp site: ““The Dry Path”, noemienours’ 5th LP, developed around a Gobi Bear narrative of barren edge conditions as an Continue Reading
Digre – The Way of a Pilgrim
Minimal synths, plinking and plonking keyboard, a gothic air, a mention of the Orthodox work The Way Of The Pilgrim, and dedicated to the memory of St. Olav the Holy Martyr-King – that was enough to perk my interest in the band Digre. The notes on their Bandcamp site makes Continue Reading