From the days when his old band Zeni Geva were the kings of noise rock, KK Null has consistently published loud, noisy, brutal albums that would put most metal bands to shame. This is a bit different in focus, however, as the Bandcamp notes explain below: “From the opening track, Continue Reading
Industrial Rock
Duma – Duma
Nyege Nyege Tapes out of Kampala, Uganda, is releasing some of the most brutal music in the world these days. A case in point comes from Nairobi, Kenya, where the band Duma call home. Within the first few seconds of this release, you get pummeled by a barrage of drumming Continue Reading
Various Artists – Artoffact Records 2021 Sampler
2021 was a very solid year for electro-industrial record label Artoffact Records out of Canada. Some of the more incredible cuts from this compilation come from The Hafler Trio & Reptilicus, Cevin Key (from Skinny Puppy), Kælan Mikla with Alcest and of course, Canada’s own Front Line Assembly-related project, Noise Continue Reading
Various Artists – Discember: Hear Xmas, See Xmas, Say Xmas
As we observe Christmas Eve and the Nativity today and tomorrow based on the Julian Calendar, we share an avant-garde take on “Christmas” music. The French experimental record label Camembert Électrique have released a 94-track comp of some rather interesting takes of some Yuletide classics, as well as a fair Continue Reading
IZ Band – 廻声Jangqerek
The legendary Shenzhen-based Old Heaven Books released a powerful album from the Chinese-Kazakh band IZ Band. This is listed as folk music, yet the music is brutal, sounding like early 1980s post-punk or Industrial rock. Think of, maybe, a Kazakh Killing Joke or a Central Asian early-period Current 93.
Megamozaki – Kaonashi
Dario Elia, working under the name Megamozaki on this release, is an old friend who makes some very impressive industrial rock with elements one normally wouldn’t think to put together. Starting a capella, one would get the impression you would be hearing Sardinian chant, but it melts seamlessly into a Continue Reading