Our dear friends at Mahorka Records continue to surprise and delight us. Their latest release features two musicians, the MadMen Duo (I don’t know where they are from, but they did record these tracks in Bulgaria if I understand correctly) whose music comes off as a wonderfully dark combination of Continue Reading
Trajectories – Quiet on Kökar
Trajectories is a troupe from Quebec who produce electroacoustic music. From their Bandcamp site: “The album Quiet on Kökar was conceived of during a recent artist residency undertaken on the small island of Kökar in the Åland Archipelago in Finland, experimenting with a variety of recording set-ups and collaborative compositional Continue Reading
Lionel Marchetti & hamaYôko / Yôko Higashi – U chu Jin (les êtres en dehors de la Terre)
French electroacoustic composer Lionel Marchetti makes absolutely mind-blowing soundscapes made out of percussion and found sounds, which is impressive enough. However, in this 20-minute piece done in collaboration with vocalist hamaYôko, he puts a level of eeriness that will be extremely engaging to fans of avant-garde music.
Holger Czukay / Die Angel & Zappi W. Diermaier – Gvoon: Version 1
As much as I loved the work of Can bassist Holger Czukay, there are a couple of his releases that I passed by. This one features die ANGEL, whom I have never heard of previously, and Faust drummer Zappi W. Diermaier. This sounds far less like Krautrock and more like Continue Reading
Claire Rousay – The Bloody Lady
As I wrap up my vacation in Los Angeles and prepare to head back home to Beijing, I thought I’d share the work of a Los Angeles-based composer who has intrigued me for a while now. Claire Rousay (stylized claire rousay) is a local composer who works in the electroacoustic Continue Reading
Christophe Bailleau – Insight and Vision
Before I get to the promotional blurb on the website for Mahorka Records, I can give my thoughts on the album. Christophe Bailleau’s Insight and Vision crosses so many genres that one would think, based on the description, that the music would be unlistenable. Nothing could be further from the Continue Reading
Hybrid Rain and Liquid Paper by Hans Castrup + James Hill – Each Star Pulses Two Colours
Imagine a gorgeous trumpet and piano sound immersed inside of electronic blips and beeps. It’s eerie, sounding something like a film-noir film soundtrack as performed by improvisational or experimental musicians (think Jon Hassell or Toshinori Kondo). That is what you have with this collaboration by Hybrid Rain and Liquid Paper. Continue Reading
Reverse Image – Towards the Nocturnal Sun
This is the second Reverse Image album we have had the pleasure to review (you can read the first one here). Whereas the first album was more experimental in nature, this one continues on that vein, has has an even more sophisticated take on electroacoustic music sitting well inside an Continue Reading
Jeff Gburek & Orkiestra Gaiafonica – Sept (ember) Sorties, 2024
From Jeff Gburek’s Bandcamp site: “None-sense Opera is what I will call it. It’s not noise, not merely musical soundscapery nor just anything rushing in to fill the 4/33 gap. My selections are operant, intuitive but their sense often only dawns on me later in the twilight when I become Continue Reading
Misty Shore Duo – Stillness and Waves
The Misty Shore Duo are Chen-Hui Jen & Jacob Sudol, with Jen performing on piano and Sudol performing with computer electronics. The duo perform the works of Morton Feldman, Alvin Lucier, Michael Pisaro and one of Sudol’s own compositions. For electroacoustic music, each track has an amazing warmth to it.