Gûldur is part of a wonderful collective based in Porto Alegre, Brazil, a place I would like to visit before I rest my bones in this Earth. Some of the bands and labels associated with this scene produce consistently good experimental, noise, dungeon synth and other related genres, which brings Continue Reading
Dungeon Synth
Fathomage – The Doxologion Codex
I never thought the dungeon synth genre would produce excellent Orthodox Christian music, but he we are. Fathomage are from Australia, and they produce a music that, though generally electronic, incorporate Eastern Orthodox doxology, Celtic Christian themes and fine folkish instrumentation.
S.Ludenberg – Misfortune Soul’s
S.Ludenberg is a composer from Vyazma, Russia and he produces absolutely mournful, melancholic dungeon synth. A heartbreakingly depressing record, but I think that that was the feel he was going for. He succeeded.
Anglachel – A Light that Shines so Bright
The first thought I saw with this lovely cover art from Greek composer Anglachel was, “good boi!” It’s a heartbreakingly charming bit of cover art, but the main story is the music. It’s dungeon synth, but perhaps a little meatier than what I am used to hearing. The production value Continue Reading
Hiemis – Malleus Maleficarum
Hiemis are a project out of Spain, not exactly a mecca (yet) for dark ambient bands or dungeon synth, but this album is wonderfully bleak and enveloping. It has the feel of a lo-fi Spanish or Italian horror soundtrack, but with a lot of warmth to it. Eerie, of course, Continue Reading
Necrocock – Jan Žižka z Trocnova (Original Soundtrack)
Jan Žižka z Trocnova is a twelve-part series covering the life of Czech hero Jan Žižka, whose role in his nation’s history is indisputable despite fighting for Protestant heretics. Though I have never managed to watch the series, I did get a chance to enjoy the soundtrack scored by Tom Continue Reading
noemienours – The Dry Path
It’s hard for me to make out the influences of this album, but I can say with certainty that listening to this rather weird album was a pleasure. From noemienours’ Bandcamp site: ““The Dry Path”, noemienours’ 5th LP, developed around a Gobi Bear narrative of barren edge conditions as an Continue Reading
Digre – The Way of a Pilgrim
Minimal synths, plinking and plonking keyboard, a gothic air, a mention of the Orthodox work The Way Of The Pilgrim, and dedicated to the memory of St. Olav the Holy Martyr-King – that was enough to perk my interest in the band Digre. The notes on their Bandcamp site makes Continue Reading
now|here – The Wayfarer
This is one of those unsolicited posts that make blogging a pleasure. now|here are a dark ambient/post-Industrial music project out of Italy whose work reminds me, in a very positive way, of acts which used to appear on Sweden’s Cold Meat Industry imprint. The sounds here are cleaner, doomier, and Continue Reading
Štefanec feat. Legrand – Eternity
Perhaps a new genre of music has commenced with this release – that of monastery synth, rather than dungeon synth. Though there is little information available on either Štefanec or Legrand, Kalamine Records provides some notes via their Bandcamp site here: Štefanec and Legrand (Croatia) started their collaboration back in Continue Reading