Louis Tillett – Ego Tripping at the Gates of Hell

One of Australia’s most important, if overlooked, musicians, Louis Tillett, passed away on August 6.  He started off as a musician who experimented with Industrial music in his first band, Wet Taxis, but ended up developing a rough, bluesy style that could really only be compared, vocally, to fellow Australian Continue Reading

La Montaña Rusa 19.2023. Vincent Meissner. Francesco Ciniglio. Recuerdo a Jack Wilkins. Kit Downes. Mar Serra Grup. RYNDEM+KORK.

Because I will be on the road for the next few days, I will have to prepare a couple of posts ahead of time until around Thursday or Friday, when I should be settled again in Beijing.  In the meantime, practice your Spanish by listening to one of Spain’s coolest Continue Reading

[vinylconnection.com.au] STILL BLOOMING GOOD

One of the holy grails of rock music is the making of an album that defies time. The Stone Roses achieved this with their 1989 self-titled debut, a … STILL BLOOMING GOOD The excellent blog Vinyl Connection reminisces about how impactful the debut album of the Stone Roses actually was.

Various Artists – Keb Darge & Cut Chemist Present The Dark Side: 28 Sixties Garage Punk And Psyche Monsters

Legendary Scottish Northern Soul DJ Keb Darge teams up with Jurassic 5 DJ and producer Cut Chemist to release 28 magnificent tracks of classic garage punk and psychedelic rock.  From the release’s Bandcamp site: “Picking up where they left off on the 2007 compilation ‘Lost & Found – Rockabilly & Continue Reading

[Podcast] Eno & Pop – Brian Eno talks about Forever And… LP, Collaborations & More – Radio Broadcast 26/10/2022

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRivyhE3JvU&t=4s Because of work-related issues, there won’t be any reviews today, but instead, I offer, thanks to my friend Jeffrey Kinart, a nice discussion between Iggy Pop and Brian Eno about Eno’s new album, having his daughter sing on it, and doo-wop, among other subjects.

Ясный — Svetly – Project 0

Our friends at the ever-brilliant Russian record label, internet radio station and magazine Meticulous Midgets continue to work with interesting bands within the country and (now) internationally. Ясный — Svetly are a Moscow-based band which has a very forward-looking sound, yet the music they produce sound incredibly nostalgic, with wisps of Continue Reading