TRUTH – Truth: Eponymous Anonymous

TRUTH is a new project that starts in the realm of microsound and develops into an organic piece of musique-concrète. The pulses and bleeps remind me of the very early experiments of Cabaret Voltaire and Throbbing Gristle, as does the rather dark tone carried within the music.  It is both are Continue Reading

Jeff Gburek – Heliopathy

As the calendar winds down for 2024, we still have a few more treasures to share.  This one comes from Jeff Gburek, who should need no introduction to regular readers here.  On this release, it comes out courtesy of Post Orientalism Music from Berlin, Germany.  From the release’s Bandcamp site: Continue Reading

Karolina Ossowska & Jeff Gburek – Witch​-​Hazel

We have another elegant experimental/electroacoustic album by violinist Karolina Ossowska and her partner in this release, Jeff Gburek.  There is a Nurse With Wound-meets-György Ligeti vibe to this release, maybe even references to Krzysztof Penderecki’s earlier avant-garde works, but given a gritty, ghostly treatment.  Another glorious release.

Jeff Gburek & Orkiestra Gaiafonica – Sept (ember) Sorties, 2024

From Jeff Gburek’s Bandcamp site: “None-sense Opera is what I will call it. It’s not noise, not merely musical soundscapery nor just anything rushing in to fill the 4/33 gap. My selections are operant, intuitive but their sense often only dawns on me later in the twilight when I become Continue Reading

Jeff Gburek – Eyeless: Microtonal Mandolin

Jeff Gburek returns to these pages presenting an album featuring himself improvising on his mandolin.  The album is sparse and very well recorded. The clarity really helps one to focus on the sounds emanating from his weapon of choice.  Think of a mix between experimental music, jazz, a horror soundtrack, Continue Reading

Jeff Gburek – Raw Radio Dispatch For “RIAFC”

Many honorable composers of note were fascinated by radio static, and as someone who owned a shortwave radio in my youth, I happily admit to having the same fascination with such crunchy sound.  Our friend Jeff Gburek uses radio sounds for his latest release.  From his Bandcamp site: “This album Continue Reading

Jeff Gburek & Karolina Ossowska – One Moon, Many Shines

This is some of the best late-night listening I’ve heard in a long time.  Neither Jeff Gburek nor Karolina Ossowska ever fail to please my ears, whether it be with a deep intellectual piece or compositions which teeter on the edge of being mournful, but this one deserves a special Continue Reading