The Mossad – Paradrone

Our friend The Mossad has released Paradorone, a two-track drone opus with such an overwhelming feel of foreboding that you it will envelop your spirit in some way.  I recommend hearing this over a decent pair of headphones because you will really feel every tick, pulse and movement from these Continue Reading

Jantra – Synthesized Sudan: Astro-Nubian Electronic Jaglara Dance Sounds from the Fashaga Underground

This wonderfully weird album from a composer called Jantra is a bit of a challenge to describe.  Best to let the magnificent Ostinato Records lay out their case for this gem, as written on their Bandcamp site: “Near the border of Sudan, Eritrea, and Ethiopia, a disputed area called Fashaga Continue Reading

Azymuth – Carnival

We received news from friends and from Far Out Records‘ press release that legendary drummer and a founding member of jazz-rock icons Azymuth, Ivan “Mamão” Conti, passed away yesterday at 76.  He had been prolific over the past few years, and his passing comes as quite a shock.  In honor Continue Reading

George Macreyannes (Nesereos) – Blue Series | Mar 21

George Macreyannes (Γιώργος Μακρυγιάννης) was a violinist active during the early part of the 20th century.  Some of these archival recordings are nearing 100 years old, so it is quite nice to get a glimpse of music that has such a remarkable history.  Respect to 1tracktape for a job well Continue Reading