Yoruba Singers – Fighting for Survival

It’s not often that we get to present to you a band from Guyana!  From the Yoruba Singers’ Bandcamp site: “Having remained continuously active since 1971, the Yoruba Singers are the longest-running musical group in Guyana. Emerging from a music scene mostly dominated by slick, commercial entertainment, the Yoruba Singers Continue Reading

Marcos Valle & Leon Ware – Feels So Good

Thanks to Marcos Valle doing a bit of cleanup in his home, Far Out Recordings proudly present a 7-inch single of a track Marcos and the late Leon Ware worked on in Los Angeles during the 1980s.  Here’s the back story, courtesy of Marcos’ Bandcamp site: “In 1979, together in Continue Reading

Norio Maeda “Rock Communication Yagibushi” LP – Gatefold sleeve and 2pp Insert (Black Vinyl)

Folks, this is another stunner from our friends at Wewantsounds!  Norio Maeda’s sound crosses funky Blaxploitation grooves with music you would find from a 70s ‘krimi’ soundtrack out of Italy or Germany.  Expect to find heavyweight vinyl with gorgeous packaging.  This one is NOT to be missed!  Check out the Continue Reading

The Gaslamp Killer meets The Heliocentrics – LEGNA

This collaboration between Los Angeles’ The Gaslamp Killer and Britain’s funkiest band, The Heliocentrics, is one of those lucky finds you stumble into every now and then, and I say this as someone who isn’t too big a fan of hip-hop.  From the release’s Bandcamp site: “The stars would align Continue Reading

Franco & O.K. Jazz – Franco Luambo Makiadi Presents Les Editions Populaires (1968-1970)

Franco was the pride of what was then (and would be again) the Democratic Republic of Congo, for a brief spell known as Zaire.  He went from singing rumba and bolero tunes to developing a funk-influenced sound that lit up most of the African continent.  From the Bandcamp site: “This Continue Reading