Passed Records come from Uppsala, Sweden. This is a fine introduction to their label, which produces trip-hop, electronica, drone and post-punk. These guys are going to be fun to follow.
Capricorni Pneumatici – Witchcraft
I don’t ever recall using the word haunting to describe the sound of a record on this blog, but Witchcraft by Capricorni Pneumatici deserves that adjective. There is a horrific, claustrophobic vibe to the album, as though it were made for a movie so frightening that it would give viewers Continue Reading
Deficit – Elämä Toisesta Paikkasta (With Marcelo Diaz / Mads Records)
Deficit is a project of Vyacheslav Ismagilov, an author of electronic experimental music from Tashkent, Uzbekistan, so says his Bandcamp site. The drones are rather gentle for noise music and made for a fascinating listening experience. This is one you want to use your headphones for. His collaborator, Marcelo Diaz, Continue Reading
Reverse Image – Towards the Nocturnal Sun
This is the second Reverse Image album we have had the pleasure to review (you can read the first one here). Whereas the first album was more experimental in nature, this one continues on that vein, has has an even more sophisticated take on electroacoustic music sitting well inside an Continue Reading
AGDISTIZ – Audaus Minor
Our friends at Kalamine Records introduce us to AGDISTIZ, a band who, if my memory serves me right, is from Romania. The drones here are sumptuous, like listening to a warm, thick drone during days when the cold is becoming crisper. Really a pleasant release if you can handle a Continue Reading
Paolo L. Bandera – Riconnessione Iconoclastica Sacrale
Raffaele Pezzella’s consistently astounding Unexplained Sounds Group is perhaps the best-curated label covering dark ambient and ritualistic music. They present former Sigillum S member Paolo L. Bandera’s latest release, and present notes originally posted from the Bandcamp release site here: “Paolo L. Bandera (a.k.a. NG5361) has been propagating unconventional sounds and Continue Reading
mastroKristo – Passage
mastroKristo is a band out of Greece whom I was able to glean little information about, but considering they are being released by Lost Tribe Sound, I expected this to be good. I was not disappointed at all. The acoustic guitar is achingly sparse, with a hint of neofolk without Continue Reading
Pete Swinton – Notes From Underground
Composer Pete Swinton makes perfect music to match the cold, listless, slightly depressing Beijing dusk today. Eerie, engaging music.
m.o.u.b. – EP2020
m.o.u.b. are a group out of Russia who provide a cold, unnerving, bleak ambient drone, perhaps the perfect music to suit my mood at the moment.
Willebrant – Coastal___
Karl Willebrant released an EP’s worth of meditative music that would be appealing to fans of groups like Embryo and Popol Vuh. The tunes are gentle, a bit on the kosmische side, and well-balanced in terms of its sonic character. This is a rather fine little release.