Dirk Fock (composer), Irene Maessen, Mattijs van de Woerd, Maurice Lammerts van Bueren – Songs and Sketches

Dirk Fock was a Dutch-American pianist with a very interesting musical history, including working with Richard Strauss.  From the Bandcamp site: Dirk Fock (1886-1973) In 1945 the Dutch-born conductor and composer Dirk Fock (also: Foch) became an American citizen. Before that – during the interwar years – he conducted many Continue Reading

Luna Abu Nassar – I’ll Tell You [أحكيلِك] [ספר לך]

Israeli singer Luna Abu Nassar produces a darkly mellow sound, singing in both Hebrew and Arabic, and her lilting voice fits well with such heavy instrumentation.  The only problem with this gem is that I don’t understand either Hebrew or Arabic, and from what I understand, the lyrics are quite Continue Reading

Nechochwen – Algonkian Mythos

While reading Bandcamp Daily on my feed, I came across a black metal band out of West Virginia called Nechochwen.  The article is enlightening, but it got me interested in exploring their music a bit deeper.  This particular album, Algonkian Mythos, is technically a ‘metal’ album, but it is so Continue Reading

Western Standard Time Ska Orchestra – Unshackled​/​Bedouin Ska

Here is an impressively authentic-sounding ska coming to us from Los Angeles, California (my home town).  The Western Standard Time Ska Orchestra boast of combining Jamaica’s greatest contribution to the world and a big-band sound.  They pull this combination off flawlessly, and they must have one very impressive live act Continue Reading

Amancio D’Silva – Konkan Dance

A pleasant surprise comes from Australian record label The Round Table.  Amancio D’Silva was a musician based out of India who mixed traditional music from his homeland with modal jazz, and the results are stunning.  From the label’s Bandcamp site: “Also recorded in 1972 although not released at the time Continue Reading