Dean & Britta & Sonic Boom – A Peace of Us

Dean Wareham is someone who could be called Shoegaze royalty.  He has been partnering with Britta Phillips for some time now making some fine records, but this is a different, even more interesting beast.  The Spacemen 3 centerpiece Sonic Boom collaborates with Dean & Britta for an album which combines Continue Reading

Karolina Ossowska & Jeff Gburek – Witch​-​Hazel

We have another elegant experimental/electroacoustic album by violinist Karolina Ossowska and her partner in this release, Jeff Gburek.  There is a Nurse With Wound-meets-György Ligeti vibe to this release, maybe even references to Krzysztof Penderecki’s earlier avant-garde works, but given a gritty, ghostly treatment.  Another glorious release.

Throbbing Gristle – Thirty​-​Second Annual Report

Don’t let anyone ever tell you differently.  Ministry, Front 242, Frontline Assembly, as much as I love all of those bands, are NOT Industrial music in its purest form, nor are any of the ghastly ‘industrial metal’ bands.  Only Throbbing Gristle and associated bands, such as SPK, early Cabaret Voltaire Continue Reading

George Christian – Requiem para Minha M​ã​e Cigana, Margarida

Our old friend George Christian has released a two-track album for Post Orientalism Music out of Berlin, Germany.  Though some will bill this as experimental, I hear more of a wild psych-influenced space rock mixed together guitar improvisations that works wonderfully well.  It is best to let George tell the Continue Reading

The Resian Folk Group – Resia Valley: String​-​Band Music from Eastern Alpine Italian Villages ca. 1978

The Resian Folk Group were from the Resia Valley in the Italian Alps.  What sets them apart from their countrymen are their folk traditions and language, which seem to have a strong Slovene influence.  Canary Records does their usual outstanding job remastering this collection.   It sounds absolutely gorgeous considering the Continue Reading

Various Artists – Light in the Attic Records: Even the Forest Hums: Ukrainian Sonic Archives 1971​-​1996

Ukraine has always been a rich vein when it comes to music.  Our friends at Light In The Attic Records have put together one of the best introductions to Soviet folk, disco, rock and alternative music to come out of Ukraine during their musical 70’s, 80’s and partially, the 90’s.  Continue Reading