This is a peculiar release. Electronic music does not have a deep history in China, but composers have been active since at least the mid-1980’s. Composer Gāo Nī Nī collaborated with the Yangtze River Light Music Band to produce something that, while not comparable to, say, Vangelis or Tangerine Dream, Continue Reading
Rudy Carrera
Lachen Jonsson – Music For The Dying Forest
Lars (Lachen, or Lach’n) Jonsson is something of a legend in Swedish progressive rock, especially in the genre of Rock-In-Opposition. This album is a reissue of his first disc, and it is as filled with weird, jagged piano-based avant-prog.
Grimény – Die Große Enttäuschung
Grimény are a progressive/post-rock power trio from Germany who play a tight, heavy, not-so-metally form of post-rock. Dense, deep, mellow, and rather good listening.
Hybrid Rain and Liquid Paper by Hans Castrup + James Hill – Each Star Pulses Two Colours
Imagine a gorgeous trumpet and piano sound immersed inside of electronic blips and beeps. It’s eerie, sounding something like a film-noir film soundtrack as performed by improvisational or experimental musicians (think Jon Hassell or Toshinori Kondo). That is what you have with this collaboration by Hybrid Rain and Liquid Paper. Continue Reading
Deficit – Elämä Toisesta Paikkasta (With Marcelo Diaz / Mads Records)
Deficit is a project of Vyacheslav Ismagilov, an author of electronic experimental music from Tashkent, Uzbekistan, so says his Bandcamp site. The drones are rather gentle for noise music and made for a fascinating listening experience. This is one you want to use your headphones for. His collaborator, Marcelo Diaz, Continue Reading
Hermeto Pascoal – Sinfonia do Alto Ribeira (1985) – Filme Completo
Mid-terms are almost over, so I should be posting again regularly starting Tuesday. For now, I wanted to send over something to enjoy. From the East East website: “This film, directed by Ricardo Lua and first released in 1985, exemplifies a non-hierarchical, ecological, and playful approach to music developed by Continue Reading
Housekeeping Note
I will be away for a few days thanks to having a very busy mid-term schedule at the school. Nothing to worry about, health is good, but the kids need a good prepping before exams start. See you quite soon.
Dean & Britta & Sonic Boom – A Peace of Us
Dean Wareham is someone who could be called Shoegaze royalty. He has been partnering with Britta Phillips for some time now making some fine records, but this is a different, even more interesting beast. The Spacemen 3 centerpiece Sonic Boom collaborates with Dean & Britta for an album which combines Continue Reading
Karolina Ossowska & Jeff Gburek – Witch-Hazel
We have another elegant experimental/electroacoustic album by violinist Karolina Ossowska and her partner in this release, Jeff Gburek. There is a Nurse With Wound-meets-György Ligeti vibe to this release, maybe even references to Krzysztof Penderecki’s earlier avant-garde works, but given a gritty, ghostly treatment. Another glorious release.
Tinariwen (+IO:I) – Sastanàqqàm
Today is a ceremony day at the school, so there will be no reviews. Enjoy Tinariwen in our stead!