Though I don’t think this banger will be available as a digital download (my friends at Wewantsounds will be happy to clarify this), Sharayet El Disco is going to be an indispensable part of your world disco collection! From the label’s Bandcamp site: “Wewantsounds is delighted to release ‘Sharayet el Continue Reading
Rudy Carrera
Tothmo – Spider (and a bunch of other songs)
If you can believe it, this Czech EP was recorded by a 17-year-old kid who has a profound appreciation for bedroom pop, new wave and indie. He’s quite a decent storyteller, and despite the lo-fi production, there’s a lot of charm in this album.
Johnny Cash – Were You There (When They Crucified My Lord)
In honor of Catholic and Protestant Good Friday, we won’t be posting today. Instead, we leave you today with appropriate music by an absolute legend, Johnny Cash.
Mora-Tau – Der Golem (2012)
What a gem this one is from our friends at The Church of the Noisy Goat Records. I’ll let them explain the work here: “Listen to the album Der Golem (2012) continuing the series of rarities re-released by this net-label covering the beginning of the very rich career of the Continue Reading
Jos Smolders – Four Elegies For України
There is a large outpouring of grief over the war from many artists I know on both sides. My friend Jos Smolders has made his contribution as well. From his Bandcamp site: “A small album of improvisations that I recorded to express my disgust about the war in Ukraine. All of Continue Reading
Jóhann Jóhannsson – Drone Mass
Though it’s been four years, the loss of Jóhann Jóhannsson due to an overdose has left a massive hole in contemporary classical music, drone, experimental music, post-rock and so many other genres his work touched on. This opus, performed by the legendary Paul Hillier and backed my ACME, is as Continue Reading
Don Leisure – Shaboo Strikes Back
Don Leisure is a Cardiff based producer and DJ whose latest work, dedicated to his legendary uncle, the Bollywood actor Nasser ‘Shaboo’ Bharwani, left me wondering how I didn’t hear about him before. From his Bandcamp website: “‘Shaboo Strikes Back‘ is a much-awaited sequel to the 2017 smash, and again Continue Reading
Hermeto Pascoal – Hermeto Pascoal & Grupo
As magnificently weird as most Hermeto Pascoal albums are, this one holds a special place in my heart, as it sounds like a more Amazonian Mahavishnu Orchestra jamming with Bill Bruford, Jeff Berlin and maintaining a healthy jazz thread all the while.
Valentin Silvestrov – Bagatelles II (2005-2011)
The Ukrainian pianist Valentin Silvestrov released this home recording in 2020, and though it might lack slightly in recording quality, the beauty of his Chopin-esque playing shines through. Beautiful music for dark times.
Steve Roach & Vir Unis – Body Electric
Originally released in 1999, this album by American composers and ambient music legends Steve Roach and John Strate-Hootman (operating here as Vir Unis) combine tribal electronic music with what was then erroneously called New Age music. From the release’s Bandcamp site: “Steve Roach and Vir Unis combine different rhythmic sensibilities Continue Reading