From the release’s Bandcamp site: “Tiddukla (which translates to Friendship) is one of Hassan’s numerous group projects and he recorded the album with friends in 2015 and self released it through YouTube due to the lack of music infrastructure in Morocco. The Tiddukla album is raw and hypnotic and sees Continue Reading
R.A Sánchez – L’ottava Sfera
Tuscon, Arizona’s R.A Sánchez has produced one of the most horribly bleak albums of 2024. A combination of slow doom metal and drone set with jazz instrumentation, this could easily give bands like Sunn O))) a run for their money. All respect is due to Lost Tribe Sound for releasing Continue Reading
Entjar Tjarmedi, Enip Sukanda, et al – Gamelan Degung Klasik ca. 1972
Canary Records have released yet another treasure. This gem features a collection of tracks performed on gamelan by Entjar Tjarmedi, Enip Sukanda and others. The music is gentle and otherworldly, one worth spending a day sipping coffee to.
Luiz Santos – Sapphire Fire I normally try to share albums on major platforms, but my friend Luiz Santos has self-released a rather fine jazz album on his website, and I thought it would be good to share it with friends. It’s piano-based, a bit dark, and a comfortable listen worth your time and Continue Reading
Various Artists – Was Ist Das?: Ballads Of Seduction, Fertility And Ritual Slaughter
This is a rather novel concept. The compilation featured here, courtesy of Was Ist Das?, is, as the Guardian states, “… a fittingly weird 50th anniversary tribute to The Wicker Man’s startling soundtrack. Magpahi’s synth-drizzled Maypole, Dean McPhee’s Sunset and Meg Baird’s Willow’s Song are particularly gorgeous.” Each track stands Continue Reading
Real Live Tigers – Denatured
Described as, “Letters read aloud over AM radio, quiet guitar through motel room walls, loud electric guitar in summer basements, gravel parking lots in the rain, train sounds,” there was no way I wasn’t going to pay attention to this release. Real Live Tigers is a project started by Tony Continue Reading
FRI$ʰPREͶ₵E – South London Voodoo Community At Prayer
FRI$ʰPREͶ₵E are a project related to Cumsleg Borenail, who process the artwork for this release mixing vaporwave and witch-house. A pleasantly freakish disc
E-Clark Cornell – (S Sontag
The magnificent Kalamine Records introduces us to yet another astounding ambient music composer, E-Clark Cornell. As his Bandcamp site says, this is music “…that celebrates the Intellectual, and intelligence in making Art.”
Bill Nelson – Signals From Realms Of Light
Legendary Be Bop Deluxe guitarist Bill Nelson is still producing music at an alarmingly wonderful rate. This disc is a reissue of an album that came out as a limited-edition release in 2011, and the sound is vintage Nelson.
George Mukabi – Furaha Wenye Gita
George Mukabi was a giant of a man who brought music styles from all over East Africa, specifically Malawi, into his oeuvre, making a sound that was unique among African guitarists. This is a digital reissue which first turned up on Mississippi Records some years back, and is currently being Continue Reading