Our friends at Jettenbach, a fascinating project from England, have prepared for us a Martian travelogue. The concept sounds like something taken directly from a sci-fi movie, dialog and all, and it’s quite an interesting thing to hear. The music drifts from floating experimental ambient to hard-beat. This shifts genres Continue Reading
Rudy Carrera
Abatwa (The Pygmy) – Why Did We Stop Growing Tall?
Glitterbeat Records is the label which should be thanked for publishing The Abatwa, a collection of Pygmy artists from Rwanda. Here are some notes by album producer Ian Brennan, courtesy of Forced Exposure: “The Abatwa (“pygmy”) tribe is identified as one of the most marginalized, voiceless and endangered populations in Continue Reading
From the Mouth of the Sun – Valley of the Hummingbirds
Lost Tribe Sound has another release featured this week! This one pairs two leading composers, Dag Rosenqvist & Aaron Martin, working together creating a filmic masterpiece. The music is tense, influenced by everything from classical music to ethereal. From the press release: “American and Swedish composers Aaron Martin and Dag Continue Reading
Léa Boudreau – Limaçon
empreintes DIGITALes are the finest record label in Canada specializing in electroacoustic music, acousmatics and musique concrète. It pleased me to see that they are putting up their albums on Bandcamp, and I ended up being doubly rewarded by finding a composer who is new to me. Léa Boudreau describes herself, Continue Reading
Mykel Boyd – Fever Dreams
Somnimage impresario Mykel Boyd, a stunningly good composer in his own right, has released a 20-minute work of a grim, hazy, yet beautiful soundscape where you feel trapped in the bowels of the set of a sci-fi epic.
Drawing Virtual Gardens – 22:22
Our dear friends at Lost Tribe Sound have on offer an ambient album perfectly designed for headphone listening by a project new to me called Drawing Virtual Gardens, a Belgium-based artist called David Gutman. From the promo material, which does a wonderful service introducing David’s work: “At the core of Continue Reading
Les Mamans du Congo & Rrobin – Les Mamans du Congo & Rrobin
Simply gorgeous and resonating music here, courtesy from a French-Conoglese project called Les Mamans du Congo & Rrobin. The project is described as “…a unique encounter between Bantu lullabies from the Congo, electronic music and hip-hop.”
Various Artists – Future Sounds Of Kraut Vol. 1 – Compiled by Fred und Luna
Our friends at Compost Records are about to release a compilation of what one can legitimately call modern Krautrock. Some of the bands on this album include Kosmischer Läufer, Fred und Luna (who put this gem together) and Pyrolator (whose track is available for listening) and thirteen other projects. It’s Continue Reading
Plume Girl – In the End We Begin
A bliss-filled release from out mappa Records out of Slovakia from a new name, Plume Girl. I’ll let the label describe this rather ethereal bit of emo folk, which you can read in full at their Bandcamp release site: “Already in its title, Plume Girl’s debut thoroughly lets things go Continue Reading
mama!milk – Concert at Art Gummi Kanazawa, 2022
mama!milk are a project out of Japan who mix the experimental music vibe of Pauline Oliveros and tango. Weird mix, but beautiful in its own way.