Because Death To Dynamics is offering a noise album, I recommend you lower the volume before listening. Once you’ve done so, let it rip, but notice that it’s not the normal bilge too many artists put out. There’s something… relaxing… about this work. Only one track is available to hear Continue Reading
Kevin Miller & Jukka Pekka Kervinen – Another Space
If I listen to noise, this is the kind I enjoy – something that will keep me guessing where the artist is going. Kevin Miller & Jukka Pekka Kervinen are two improvisers who make a more elegant form of free improv music, something I could come back to again and Continue Reading
Harae – Kagura
Words fail to describe the beauty of this release, even if it is an acidic beauty. Harae are a band run by beloved friends, and both innovative musicians in their own right. Combined, however, they have made magic, especially if you like a harsh wall of noise cascading over you Continue Reading
Meat Beat Manifesto & Merzbow – Extinct
Neither Merzbow nor Meat Beat Manifesto will need no introduction to connoisseurs of either Industrial music or the sound that made Wax Trax! Records famous. I never, in my wildest dreams, thought that these two would join forces for an album, and, miracle of miracles, their styles actually work well Continue Reading
Various Artists – Singles Club: 2023 (Engram Recordings)
We are sad to report that German indie record label Engram Recordings has ceased operating. They have, thankfully, decided to leave their catalog online as long as Bandcamp exists. This sampler is a great way to get to know about their quirky releases.
post doom romance – prairie transmissions
Post Doom Romance presents a new album of some of the gentlest “noise” I’ve ever heard. The tones are low, sparse, and somehow calming. Perfect for cold-weather headphone listening.
Jacques ‘n’ Their Box – Horsey
Our friends at MuteAnt Records have released an utterly weird and wonderful new release. Jacques ‘n’ Their Box actually understand how to craft songs out of noise, making this album far more pleasant than most experimental music.
Gold – A Higher Purpose
You may wish to lower the volume a bit for this one. Gold is a magnificently harsh noise-rock band out of Leeds, U.K., whose brutal take at experimental music is both ear-blasting, yet strangely soothing at the same time. A full album is coming in November.
Reverse Image – The Silence that does not Exist
Reverse Image are a project out of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, who produce absolutely stunning ritualistic experimental music. There’s a hint of early Nurse With Wound mixed in here as well. All respect is due to their label, Khatulistiwa 赤道, for alerting me to this gem.
若潭 ruò tán – 石 Stone
ruò tán are China’s more organic answer to old post-Industrial/cassette-culture bands like Germany’s Cranioclast. The music is eerie, yet so utterly engaging. Probably the best reference to this music is for those of you who remember not only the aforementioned band but the early works of projects like O Yuki Continue Reading