Spain’s Munster Records has a legendary reputation for putting out some amazing garage rock albums, including a lot of prime reissues. This compilation covers some lost gems from the Venezuelan Discos MAG for your enjoyment.
Tag: Mambo
How do such wonderful musicians get lost in the mists of time? It boggles the mind, though I must say I’m happy to be living in an age of crate-divers and those who have the same passion of discovering music as I do.
This particular artist, Salah Ragab, a military man who also was a swinging jazz maestro, is well-known to Sun Ra aficionados, but only to a few outside this select group. It’s a shame, as this particular album gathers songs which mix together big band music, cha-cha-chá, Raqş sharqī, and melodramatic music which would fit well in an epic Egyptian movie.
This is a diamond of a release. Spend some time checking it out this weekend.
A special thanks goes to Peter Holslin who introduced so many to Salah’s work over at