Ernesto Díaz-Infante is a favorite on this blog, so any release of his is welcome, but Bryan Day is a new name for me. He is an instrument maker and improvisational musician who also runs Public Eyesore Records. This collaboration is quite dark, bordering on a cacophonous take reminding me Continue Reading
Free Improvisation
Heinz Becker Group – Pan-Vielleicht Tau
The legendary Free Music Production (FMP) Record Label is reissuing some classic free jazz these days. This particular release features trumpet player Heinz Becker on a record from 1983.
Ilia Belorukov & Marina Džukljev – Everything Changes, Nothing Disappears
Ilia Belorukov is a multi-instrumentalist who hails from Russia, but since the Russia-Ukraine conflict, he has been a resident of Novi Sad Serbia and will probably be for awhile. He is making wonderful use of his time by collaborating with local talent. Marina Džukljev is a pianst and first-rate improvisor, Continue Reading
马木尔 Mamer – 沙漠 Desert:为开盘带录音而演奏的电吉他曲 Guitar Solo For Reel-to-reel Tape Recording
The near-legendary Old Heaven Books presents another fabulously bizarre album (also available as a CD and reel-to-reel tape) of Chinese guitarist (of Kazakh extraction) Mamer. From the release’s Bandcamp site: “Mamer first became known as a dombra virtuoso and a modern master of Kazakh folk music. Over the years, he Continue Reading
Paniyolo + Akio Watanabe – 家並み – Yanami
From the release’s Bandcamp site: “A guitarist Paniyolo and a steelpan player Akio Watanabe are releasing a duo album “Yanami (The row of houses)”. Based on the 11 sketches, they have painted a space kept in tranquil atmosphere with a guitar and a steelpan, each sketch has a glimpse of Continue Reading
Ezra Sturm / Ernesto Diaz-Infante – Live at the Luggage Store Gallery
This is the second time I have the pleasure to share the work of Bay Area guitarists Ezra Sturm and Ernesto Diaz-Infante. Maybe it is because this is recorded live, but I get the vibe of something crossing free-improvisation, lo-fi garage guitar and something that reminds me of the work Continue Reading
Ernesto Diaz-Infante – Amor Celestial
Amor Celestial is the latest album by Bay Area guitar improviser Ernesto Diaz-Infante, release on Rambutan Records out of New York. The album reminds me of waves gently crashing into the rock of the Pacific Coastline, ebbing and flowing as clouds of feedback surround each bend of the strings. From Continue Reading
RKS Trio – Live at Bab-Ilo
Thanks to the ever-consistent Muteant Records for bringing this album to my attention! I’m familiar with both Michel Kristof and Makoto Sato’s work, as both as masters in the improv world, but Quentin Rollet is a new name for me. His sax playing and sound manipulation are expertly underpinned by Continue Reading
Sarah Belle Reid – MASS (Extended + Remastered)
Thanks to the magnificent blog a closer listen, I was introduced to the work of a fellow Los Angelino Sarah Belle Reid. I was intrigued by postrockcafe’s description of the album, and after hearing it this morning in between teaching duties, I have to say that the description is apt. Continue Reading
Willebrant & Williamson – Night Daze
I was introduced to a project new to me coming from Australia. From Karl Willebrant’s Bandcamp site: “Night Daze blends immersive textures and emotive expanses that invites the listener to conceive a visual experience through soundscapes and drones utilizing bass, trumpet, field recordings, and improvised performance. The album evokes themes Continue Reading