Legendary Pink Dots – So Lonely In Heaven

Edward Ka-Spel offers a very welcome surprise in the form of a new album!  From his Bandcamp site: “‘So Lonely in Heaven’ is The Legendary Pink Dots’ second album since the World stopped for a Global Pandemic. With members scattered across three countries and two continents, our guilty confession is Continue Reading

Mira – Mira

From the good souls over at Projekt Records: “Mira were a dream pop/shoegaze band from Tallahassee, Florida, formed in 1996 featuring vocalist Regina Sosinski, guitarist Tom Parker, bassist Max Fresen and drummer Alan Donaldson, with second guitarist Mark Davidson. After releasing several EPs on their own Tesseract label, the band Continue Reading

Cocoon – You’ve Arrived

For those of you old enough to remember the seminal French cold-wave band Clair Obscur, this album relates.  From Cocoon’s Bandcamp site: “Cocoon is Christophe Demarthe’s project. It continues Clair Obscur’s attempt to shift the frameworks of performance and reception, using the means of electronic music, video and performance.”

Thanatos – Christmas Moments

If you’re going to spend the winter holidays listening to Gothic Christmas music, you could do much worse than hearing Thanatos doings warm and rather respectable Christmas tunes. May you, my friends who are either Orthodox, Catholic or those who participate in one way or another in Advent, enjoy a Continue Reading