Raphael Weinroth-Browne is a fine cellist from Canada. He weaves together contemporary classical music, post-rock, post-metal and even some hints of ambient. From Raphael’s Bandcamp site: “Realizing Worlds Within in the studio was more of a process of discovery rather than one of conscious creation. Long after its release, I Continue Reading
Yu Su – Yellow River Blue
Chinese-Canadian composer Yu Su produces an album that left me pleasantly surprised by. Though I found this download under “ambient” music, it turns out that it may have more to do with the motorik music of Neu! quietly subdued by elements of dub, dance music and wee touches of Chinese Continue Reading
Aidan Baker – Lost in the Rat Maze [PWYC]
Imagine if you were listening to Neu! with a far more relaxed beat rather than the insistent and incessant pulse the legendary Krautrock band was famous for. Hear me out on this. It’s actually quite a magnificent sound to behold, really. There is a lo-fi, drony vibe to Fanciful Flights Continue Reading