Jeff Gburek – Raw Radio Dispatch For “RIAFC”

Many honorable composers of note were fascinated by radio static, and as someone who owned a shortwave radio in my youth, I happily admit to having the same fascination with such crunchy sound.  Our friend Jeff Gburek uses radio sounds for his latest release.  From his Bandcamp site:

“This album combines a recent sequence of Shortwave radio capture performances from late April (tracks 1 – 11) and two VLF recordings from the X class solar flare and geomagnetic storm day May 11. Inspired to put this album out quickly after hearing what seemed to be a call for newly recorded radio morsels from Radio is a Foreign Country (RIAFC) on of my favorite music blogs. Even if my interpretation of this open call is perhaps mistaken, there is here, or, here it is, nevertheless, some new material of interest to “strange” radio signal enthusiasts. Enjoy and share.”

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