• Apps - Music


    No post today thanks to being under the weather, but I did want to recommend an app for those of you who like streaming your digital music files with a bit-perfect player.  I started using Audirvāna a month ago, and it’s made a huge difference in terms of listening quality.  It’s a bit pricey, and I opted to buy the app outright, but the sound quality is worth the price.

  • Music


    A friend passed this site along, and as North Korea is supposedly a die-hard Juche state, it surprised me that they actually have a streaming service for local music.  Because Bandcamp, Spotify and others may or may not be under pressure from Western governments to not allow this sort of thing on their platform (though they allow every other kind of oddity), it seems the North Koreans have made Juchify.com to satisfy the curiosity of foreigners like me as well as developing their own listener base at home.  Odd, but interesting.