Willebrant & Williamson – Night Daze

I was introduced to a project new to me coming from Australia.  From Karl Willebrant’s Bandcamp site: “Night Daze blends immersive textures and emotive expanses that invites the listener to conceive a visual experience through soundscapes and drones utilizing bass, trumpet, field recordings, and improvised performance. The album evokes themes Continue Reading

Jeff Gburek & Karolina Ossowska – One Moon, Many Shines

This is some of the best late-night listening I’ve heard in a long time.  Neither Jeff Gburek nor Karolina Ossowska ever fail to please my ears, whether it be with a deep intellectual piece or compositions which teeter on the edge of being mournful, but this one deserves a special Continue Reading

Hiemis – Malleus Maleficarum

Hiemis are a project out of Spain, not exactly a mecca (yet) for dark ambient bands or dungeon synth, but this album is wonderfully bleak and enveloping.  It has the feel of a lo-fi Spanish or Italian horror soundtrack, but with a lot of warmth to it.  Eerie, of course, Continue Reading

Brume + Mykel Boyd – Ectophilis

Mykel Boyd is one of the leading lights in experimental music and drone, and has done so much to promote the genre that it is (pleasantly) hard to keep track of his releases.  He is paired with Brume (the working name of French composer and long-time contact Christian Renou) who Continue Reading

Rose McDowall – Our Twisted Love EP

It’s amazing to think that this EP is the latest (and hopefully not last) artifact released by former Strawberry Switchblade front-woman Rose McDowell.  She had been active singing with groups like Current 93 and her own project, Sorrow, for many years, and this EP continues on that dark and eerie Continue Reading

Scanner – Alchemeia

Prepare yourselves for January 19, ten days from now!  The legendary Scanner (Robin Rimbaud in real life) has a new album out, “…a tribute to the early 1960s library music culture, applying crude techniques of electronic composition, using a mix of hardware and software. It explores a kind of musique Continue Reading