Psycho & Plastic – Soundtrack 2: Pappel

I seem to be running into a lot of Berlin-school style musicians recently, but this is the first one I’ve run into who is actually from the Berlin area.  From Psycho & Plastic‘s Bandcamp site:

Award-winning German author Dalibor Markovi​​ć commissioned Psycho & Plastic to create an original soundtrack for his debut novel ‘Pappel. Die Geschichte eines Herumtreibers’ on the heels of their 2020 ambient masterpiece ‘Placid House’ and ‘Soundtrack 1: Schwelen’. Scheduled for a simultaneous release, book and album are deeply intertwined in form and content.

Soundtrack 2: Pappel‘ follows the novel’s tree-turned-human protagonist Konrad Pappel on his tour de force through 150 years of German history, equating each of the novel’s seven chapters with a track of the same title. The instrumental music mindfully mirrors the inner worlds and real life adventures of this unlikely character. Consequently, the album closely traces the book’s arc of suspense, its emotions and atmospheres. It is Psycho & Plastic’s most cinematic work to date, with orchestral timbres and arrangements directly referencing film scores. However, the Berlin-based duo does not stop there. From ambient serenity to claustrophobic dread, from organic explorations of freedom to gritty electronic rigidity, Psycho & Plastic weave their compositions across microscopic planes and cosmic expanses alike.

The music has a strong appeal both as an accompaniment to Marković’s work and as stand-alone music you can enjoy on its own merits.  This will appeal greatly to the Kosmische music, electronic music and prog fans who visit these pages.

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