No posts today, folks, off to a doctor’s visit.
Various Artists – The Neuromancers: Music inspired by William Gibson’s universe
Our friends at the legendary Unexplained Sounds Group bring another astounding compilation, this time based on the theme of the original cyberpunk author William Gibson and his books. The roster is as impressive as ever, featuring Adi Newton (Clock DVA and The Anti-Group), Sigillum S, and Dead Voices on Air Continue Reading
DJ111 – Somiatruites EP
I have not had much of a chance to review much techno, even downtempo, for a while now. DJ111’s latest release comes from the Spanish label End Of Dayz out of Barcelona, and the music has driving funk, a feel of older electro bands, and maybe even a touch of Continue Reading
Jimi Tenor with Cold Diamond & Mink – Is There Love In Outer Space?
Many thanks to Timmion Records for combining the talents of Finnish multi-instrumentalist and Welsh collective Cold Diamond & Mink. From the Timmion Records Bandcamp site: The first album out is titled “Is There Love In Outer Space?”, which begs the question with the force of five extended tracks that are Continue Reading
Congo Funk! The Making of Part 3 – Meeting Lola Checain’s family (Promo Video)
Exciting news from Analog Africa!
Bandcamp Radio
I’m listening to Bandcamp Radio – Global Vibrations: Off to the doctor, so you guys get a radio treat today.
A Miscellany Of Tasteful… Is Reactivated
Those of you who have been friends and readers since 2012 know about my old blog, A Miscellany Of Tasteful…, where I used to point readers to music, movies, books and art of interest until Facebook decided it was spam and shut down my ability to share the site. Apparently, Continue Reading
Steve Miller / Lol Coxhill – The Story So Far... / ...Oh Really?
This record is the latest $5 (in this case, $7 for being a double-album) special, a long out-of-print avant-jazz classic. From the release website: “Out-of print on vinyl for over 25 years, this is the first release of the two album collaborations (Coxhill/Miller Miller/Coxhill and “The Story So Far…” “Oh Continue Reading
Abandoned Toys – Where Tides Defy the Moon
This is a curious release. Abandoned Toys manages to balance ethereal ambient music with symphonic progressive rock. A rather brilliant balance, indeed.
Laurita Peleniūtė & Auļi – Sveteliai / Ciemiņi
Today’s title is a single track, combining Lithuanian chanteuse Laurita Peleniūtė and the Latvian ethno-folk group Auļi performing a folkloric track which blends both Baltic cultures’ best features together seamlessly.