Áššu – Luoteniegut

Sadly, our dear friends at Nordic Notes are not offering downloads through Bandcamp, which is understandable as there is something nice about holding a CD or a piece of vinyl in your hands, but you can hear this magnificent recording of Sami music over at Apple Music.

From the press release:

Áššu, an ensemble featuring renowned Finnish folk musician Ulla Pirttijärvi, brings the guttural Sámi singing tradition into the present with heart and soul. The name Áššu translates to “embers”, symbolizing the glowing warmth of their music. Many of the songs on the new album Luohtenlegut came to Ulla in dreams: joiks of animals, nature, cold winds, friends, and relatives. In Sámi culture, there is a deeply rooted connection to the fundamental elements of life. In the small northern Finnish Sámi village of Angeli, where Ulla grew up, reindeer herding is a traditional way of life. Encounters with animals in their natural surroundings are an integral part of Ulla’s family life. Animals and nature hold a special place in the traditional stories and spiritual beliefs of the Sámi. This presence of nature, animals, and people in a collage of reality, dreams, and humor forms the essence of Luohtenlegut.”

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